I couldn't help but wonder last night at church about all the incense that rose to heaven in prayerful ascent. I don't mean just the incense at my own Holy Thursday observance, but all over the world. Heaven was filled with the smoke of the church militant. And the bells! How could God not hear the millions of bells that pealed in unison, capturing his attention as we began our three day Mass last night? Did you not see the heavenly hosts surrounding your priest as he offered the sacrifice to God? Did you not see them carrying this sacrifice to the throne above and to the One seated on that throne? Did we not see our Savior bent over the feet of the faithful, in service to us? Asking us to do what he had just done because he loved us?
Tonight...I will kiss the wood of the cross upon which I nailed him. How foolish in the eyes of the world...Thank God we are not of this world.
I have not as yet been able to attend this service, but thank you for this post. Even reading about it-- I got a 'I was there' moment.